Xander’s Story

Xander, an Idaho four-year-old, relies on Medicaid to access necessary treatment.

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Bannock County, Idaho

Lyla and Mike live in Pocatello with their two sons, Xander and Joe. As a newborn, Xander was diagnosed with a rare brain disorder that resulted in cerebral palsy, meaning regular access to doctor’s appointments and therapies are necessary to ensure healthy development. Now 4 years old, Xander has been able to make significant progress thanks to Medicaid ensuring access to regular necessary health services.

Lyla and Mike now have the tools to ensure their children have everything they need to live happy, healthy lives. When children have access to health coverage, they are more likely to succeed in school and have better health and economic outcomes as adults. Being an advocate can help families like Xander’s maintain access to health services that make a difference in the long-run.

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