Our Work

Idaho Kids Covered is a statewide network of health care advocates and stakeholders working to support affordable access to health coverage and care for all children in Idaho.

Helping Idaho Kids Be Healthy and Thrive

Every Idaho child deserves access to health coverage and services that support healthy development. Research shows that when children have access to health coverage, they are more likely to succeed in school and have better health and economic outcomes as adults – creating ripple effects that benefit us all. 

Uninterrupted health coverage and quality care create a foundation for children to grow. Yet, Idaho’s child uninsured rate continues to rise.

Too many kids remain uninsured and without access to care. In Idaho:

How do we reach 100% health coverage and care for Idaho kids?

Through data-driven policy solutions and sustained commitment to change, we can take steps to ensure 100% of Idaho kids have the health coverage and care they need to grow healthy and succeed later in life. 

Cover every Idaho kid

Connect families to care

Ensure consistent coverage

You Can Help

Idaho Kids Covered empowers advocates to take action and help cover children in Idaho. See how you can get involved!

Idaho Kids Covered is a statewide network of health care advocates and stakeholders working to support affordable access to health coverage and care for all children in Idaho.

Idaho Kids Covered is organized by a committee of the following organizations: 

Idaho Voices for Children

Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities

American Academy of Pediatrics (Idaho)

Idaho Academy of Family Physicians 

Idaho Community Health Center Association

Idaho Oral Health Alliance

Children’s Home Society

Idaho Hospital Association

American Heart Association (Idaho) 

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (Idaho)

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Families & Youth of Idaho