IDAHO CAPITAL SUN: The pandemic cost 500 Idaho kids their parents and caregivers

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“The researchers based their estimates on mortality, fertility and census data to estimate the deaths of a parent, live-in grandparent or other primary caregiver between April 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. They calculated a rate of “COVID-19-associated deaths” — not just deaths from the disease itself, but also deaths caused indirectly by lockdowns, social and travel restrictions, and the pandemic’s stress on health care access and capacity.

But their data gathering ended before the delta variant hit Idaho.

The current surge forced Idaho’s largest health systems to put hospital-based surgeries and procedures — even for things like tumor removal — on hold. And a month ago, the surge sent Idaho into a “crisis standards of care” declaration, in which some Idahoans may receive a lower quality of care.

“Unfortunately since this data measures only through June it’s likely this number is even higher following the delta surge, and even more children have been impacted for life,” said Logan Dennis, Idaho Voices for Children’s health policy research and communications associate.”


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